My favorite band is releasing a new CD today called Bulletproof. Their name is Reckless Kelly and I urge all of you to give them a listen. You can hear snippets of the new songs via the link to Amazon. I've only heard two of the songs in their entirety, and I like them both, but my favorite takes a hard look at the current war in Iraq. The song is titled American Blood and here are the opening lines as best as I can remember them. There may be a word or two off.
Johnny can't drink 'cause johnny ain't twenty-one, but he's eighteen and pretty handy with a gun. They shipped him off to a foreign land, gave him a new pair of boots and thirteen grand and he came back home with American blood on his hands.

If you'd like to hear a sample of their music check out my MySpace page which has a song from the new CD titled Ragged as the Road. And be sure to friend my while you are there.
And now a couple of sentences I wrote, or at least edited this week. From my novel Plundered Booty ...
Leaning against the right front fender of my truck, he smiled as if nothing had changed. When I didn't return the gesture, the grin slid off his face like eggs from a greasy plate.
Be sure and and check out the gals over at Women of Mystery who originated to Two Line Tuesday idea.
So have you ever heard of Reckless Kelly? Got any other music recommendations? Or if nothing else drop a line and tell me who your favorite singers and bands are.
"… the grin slid off his face like eggs from a greasy plate."
I love that! :)
I too really like the "like eggs on a greasy plate." Perfect.
Yes, I like that egg-slipping-off line! I can just see the grin fading fast...
I've been listening to a lot of Ane Brun and Diane Jones. And enka, which my eldest is heavily into. And Rammstein, because my husband and kids have been playing that all week. And Dir en Gray, which (if you haven't heard of it) is sort of Japanese Visual K and sort of heavy metal. We go for eclectic in this household.
i will give em a listen...
That's something that's always struck me as insane. If a person is old enough to risk his life for his country (or idiot president, what have you), then he's old enough to have a drink!
Great line. Martha Wainwright, Shelby Lynne, Joe Henderson.
Not to spoil your great post, but OMG (a phrase I use rarely except on special occasions) ...Travis!!! Bob Mayer recommended your blog, and he mentioned the place you took him for lunch. I loved it!!! You will have to do a post about the restaurant and take photos of the hanging ornaments. Bless your heart.
Nice writing as usual babe. Greasy eggs tend to make me sick and I felt a wee bit nauseated when I read that so good job.
Bands? Right now I'm emerged in jazz for the non fiction book, but I'm really liking Coldplay for my non jazz listening pleasure.
But I heard a great line from the late George Carlin..."If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn’t it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted?"
Hope your well.
Check out my new blog. Its one I'm pairing up with some folks to do. We'll see if it takes off.
And thanks for mentioning the retreats.
Nice. I do like the Reckless Kelly. I wholeheartedly recommend Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, available at their MySpace site here...
Also, great musician and funny guy Butch Walker...
And there's always me with my band, the Caucasian Boys...
Enjoy! Except for mine, I mean. I'll settle for "tolerate" for my songs.
Hey, Travis, love the greasy egg analogy. :) I've never heard of Reckless Kelly, but I liked the lyrics you quoted so I'll check them out.
Wow. Great image with the eggs and the greasy plate!
Never heard of Reckless Kelly. I just ordered Lifehouse CD, but normally I buy big band and music from the '40s. I know, I'm a geek.
Grins sliding off faces like eggs off a plate - that's very visual - love it!
Music? - I'm into Mika, Muse, Franz Ferdinand, and Maria Bethania right now. (changes constantly)
Reckless Kelly sounds pretty good but this was the first I'd heard or them.
It's hard to say who my favorite band is now, I'm kind of into the blues lately.
Loved the egg line myself...pretty slick!
Got a kick out of Bob's God Travis! "The Country Barn"?! The man is a green beret for chrissakes. He is not equipped for that kind of torture! I am sure he will never forget it and now we will have to read all of his new releases to see if the duck/duck/geese scene makes it in! (like we wouldn't anyway...) I'm suprised he refrained from calling you the "host from hell"! Hey, he dug ya or he wouldn't have plugged ya...what a coup!
As for me, I'm listening to Bob Seger, dunno why...maybe because it has lyrics and is pulling me out of my celtic bagpipe stage! Will give Reckless Kelly a good listenin' to!
Thanks Travis, you're the bomb...and don't forget, you are my leader (clutching shirttails and babbling incoherently..."
You definitely have a way with the metaphors!
Like everyone else, I love the egg line. I suppose I'll be checking out Reckless Kelly because the lyrics intrigue me. I won't make any recommendations though, until I have a listen.
Nice. I love great song lyrics. A guy in college used to write about smoking cigarettes and drinking black coffee and fueling up his old Ford pick up and I thought he was so original. And then I read Jack Kerouac. But the guy was still cute.
Hey, can I link you from my Good Housekeeping blog? They want me to post 10 sites I like to read. It could be some good exposure for you. Any particular posts you want me to highlite to get you noticed more? I'm nice that way, huh? Let me know via
Or comment at my Zoloft Site.
If you don't want to be linked, that's fine, too.
You're the 2nd person today to give me a music recommendation. The first was from a woman at the gym who said I must try working out to Flogging Molly.
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