Friday, October 10, 2008

Poll This

I'm sick of politics. Reading about them, hearing about them, keeping up with them.

Matter of fact I'm down right disgruntled with the entire two party system.

Democracy my ass. Only two candidates have a real chance and even those individuals candidates aren't allowed to truly be individuals. Instead they have to pander to their party's ideals.

Know what I wanna see?

A gun-toting, corporate CEO loving Democrat ... or a gay, Republican atheist.

During the primary and caucus season each candidate spends his time saying I subscribe to the party's list of rules (they call it platform) and all of my opponents are secretly communist or spies from the other party.

Then when they get the nomination we hear, "My party's set of rules are better than you party's set of rules so vote for me."

Leaders should lead not recite from a rule sheet. A castrated pig has more balls than either of the current candidates.

Next presidential election I'm forming the Human Party where you are allowed to think for yourself, disagree with others, and yes, even make a mistake or two. And all tree-hugging Republicans who want to spend more on social programs are invites as are all Pro-Life Democrats who secretly shout Drill Baby Drill! Heck we'll even take a Libertarians that thinks the government does have a right to make us wear a seatbelt.

The one and only requirement is to have an opinion that someone else didn't cram down your pie hole.

Rant over.


The Anti-Wife said...

Or you could join Demon Baby's Craptastic Party, or just come over to my blog and join the birthday party.

Patti said...

i would like to sign me and my dead father up please...

March2theSea said...

i wish I understood I'd "care" more. Its just awful that once again I feel like my vote is going to be in vain and I just have no passion towards either. I am a green party person deep down I think...

Anonymous said...

Rock on! Nicely said!

Janna Leadbetter said...

I agree. It's so overwhelming it's beyond frustrating.

Spy Scribbler said...

Someone had a great post up about how Washington abhorred the idea of a two-party system and felt it would be a disaster for democracy.

He was right.

God, they really knew what they were doing. They formed a country. They formed a freaking country! Holy shit, when you think about it, that's just amazing as it gets.

We should listen to them.

Duck said...

@spyscribbler - Yes but things do change a bit over a 200 year period. They had good ideas, but things need to evolve properly.

Anyway, I also hate the two party system that's just basically the defacto standard due to financial issues.

That's what it's about right? We have two main parties that are dominant because they have all the money. Unfortunate but true. I will say that I am thankful that we don't have Ralph Nader or someone like him screwing things up this time around.

I'm all for more options for leadership of our country, but not if all one of the options does is split up the votes from one party helping the other party win the election...

Angie Ledbetter said...

Good luck getting more sheeple to join your H.P. Wonder how it'd work if we just all wrote in who we wanted without all the campaigning and talking points?

Anonymous said...

I am ready to vote but so tired of hearing about it all. Everything is so corrupt that I feel like it is a major guessing game anyway.

Unknown said...

Ah Ha Ha Ha! I love EVERYTHING about this, but this is favorite...

"The one and only requirement is to have an opinion that someone else didn't cram down your pie hole."


Anonymous said...

So, you're announcing your candidacy for 2012? I can imagine the slogans: VOTE FOR THE PIRATE (at least he's upfront about what he'll do!)! -- and the best for those who need to be enticed: RUM FOR EVERYONE -- It'll be a runaway election. :-) Psst: Need a campaign manager?

alex keto said...

I'd join your party but then I would stick out as different and that's scary.
Hey, when you get several million members, then I'll join because the herd will be big enough to get lost in.

WordVixen said...

Travis Erwin for president! And just so you don't think I'm sucking up everything you say: I don't like fish.

Jess said...

Well, I for one was thrilled to see a post that wasn't exhaulting the sun shining out of Obama's ass, vilinizing John McCain, making fun of Sarah Palin, or plagerizing Biden.

This has been the longest election to date. I think that was the point- so that we'll all be so happy it's over no one will care who actually gets elected.

Lexi said...

Yes, but isn't it awesome that you live in a country that allows you to blog about this without fear of "disappearing" or being tortured and executed?

Mom In Scrubs said...

Politics hurt my brain. I despise them. Even when I try to learn about the candidates I can't take them seriously.

Maybe if I ignore them, they'll just go away...

Tena Russ said...

Right on, brother!

Shauna Roberts said...

I just want the candidates to answer the questions they're asked instead of dodging a direct answer and then launching into prepared sound bites.

G. B. Miller said...

Finally, an enjoyable rant that doesn't offend anyone.

Brightens the evening a little bit as I been slugging in out in the chat rooms today.


Gregory Anderson said...

And, instead of televised debates, I would like to see the candidates play each other in a televised game of Yahtzee or Connect 4 or something.

That way, there would always be a clear winner.

Talking Head: "In other news, the winner of last night's Presidential Candidate Scrabble Contest was [drumroll] Senator McCain. Senator Obama turned out to be a formidable opponent, using the word "CHANGE" a record 47 times during the game. However, Senator McCain sealed the victory on his very last play with the word "SQUIFFY", which scored an amazing 75 points. As expected, Senator Obama is now protesting the event, claiming the word "SQUIFFY" is merely slang, and is offensive to all squiffs nationwide. Senator Obama also reportedly threatened to blow up Senator McCain's summer home if he hears of Senator McCain using the word "SQUIFFY" while campaigning in either Ohio or Michigan."

Joshua said...

here here!!

the walking man said...

Can "think before you speak" be a platform of the Human party? If so I'm on board.

preTzel said...

I'm voting for you Travis!

..."castrated pig has more balls..."

ROFLMAO! Only you Travis, only you!

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm with you 100 percent

Barbara Martin said...

Well said, and that fits our political candidates too.

Lana Gramlich said...

*Standing @#$%ing ovation!* Can I write you in as a candidate for the next go 'round?

Junosmom said...

I agree. For a country this size and complexity, that's all the choices we can have? It's scary. I'll join your human party.

I agree with Pack, there ought to be a test or game, like appearing on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? Maybe a geography test to see if they know where significant countries are. Only, I'd like it to be both candidates. (see idea below for reason)

I'd also like to see them run a mile, like you did, to see if they physically are going to last out the next year.

Aaron said...

As if there were a question, you earned my subscription to your blog through the next presidency. :)