I'll jump right into the two lines I've read this week.
The judge's harsh comment could have broken my spirit and killed my dream. Instead, I decided to prove her wrong.
Those lines come from my friend Deborah Elliott-Upton. They are part of her inspirational essay in the collection of such works, titled Daily Devotions for Writers.

The following comes directly from the back of the book ...
Daily Devotions for Writers is the friend every writer needs: warm, real-life, how-to-write stories, prayers, and inspirational quotes to keep you writing every day of the year.
Several of my writing friends have pieces among the 366 in the book and I've enjoyed reading about the struggles and triumphs of my fellow writers. There is an essay for each day but it's not a calender per say so You can start anywhere you choose and have something to read each day for the next year. I have my autographed copy and if you are interested in obtaining yours follow the link above to Debbie's post for the information.
And for two lines I wrote? Thought I'd give you a break from Booty and give y'all a bit from a short story that I wrote a while back, but tweaked this week so I could submit it a journal.
Annie's mother would cringe at the thought of yellow shutters.
White shutters, white walls, white wedding dresses - there could be no other kind.
And be sure and visit, Women of Mystery, the founders of Two line Tuesday.
I like your two lines! Very nice. And I see there's a Goodnight post just below... ;)
That looks like a great book. Will have to check it out.
I feel the same way about white. YUK!!!!!!!
i love your blog...
I remember you from the FIW conference last year. I was in critique session with Hilary Sares and LOVED the beginning of your story. It was hilarious...
I'd like to hear more about two sentence Tuesdays... it sounds like something I'd like to partcipate in and I'm kinda new to blogger. Could you help me out?
I love those two lines.
And, I tagged you!
That writing book sounds wonderful. I've got to see about picking it up.
Grace -- We shall see. Wanna make a friendly wager?
Alyssa -- have you ever been to Goodnight, Texas? Are you a descendent of Charles goodnight's.
Melissa - Please do.
Bina - I actually screwed up in typing the first sentece. It was was suppsoed to read yellow shutters.
huddlekay -Sure, but I didn't start two sentence tuesday Women of Mystery did. the rules are you post two sentences you've read that week and two sentences you wrote.
jerseygirl - Will do, soon.
Charles - I've enjoyed waht i've read even though I'm not what anyone would call religious.
Travis, aren't you a sweetie to mention the new book! Thanks and I am so pleased for my words to be included in your two quickies for the week. Hmm, that doesn't quite sound right. :-)
I was just leafing through this book at Borders a few weeks ago. I love it!
And your two lines, too!
God knows I could use something like this book. I have an inspirational poem I recite every time I get a rejection, Arthur Hugh Clough's 'Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth.' I can say that poem in my sleep now; I could probably say it anesthetized. It cheers me up every time, so imagine what a writers' inspirational anthology would do.
Hi fellow writer, it's really nice to be here. I do like white though, and black.
Like quotes about writers and the writing life?
Be sure to check out:
Guess I should mention that blog is mine.
Travis, wish your son good luck for me!
Sounds like a great book. I'll have to check it out.
My lines are up...
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