I really appreciate all the kind words and encouraging comments on my last post. That first installment was the easy part to write. The rest of the story is only going to get tougher but I'll be posting more of the story on Tuesday or Wednesday and even then I may not finish as it could take three installments.
Also I have many readers who live in and around Orange County, California. I hope they are all safe and sound and not caught up in those terrible fires. The loss of homes and property is bad, but those things can be replaced so here's hoping those of you in the danger areas have safely evacuated.
Now to MTM. I have strayed from blogging about writing lately and I'm going to try and get more of those types of posts up, so today's post is about the writing community here in Amarillo. Amarillo has one of the oldest writing organizations (Panhandle Professional Writers) in the country, but today I'm going to talk about individual authors.
One of my original ideas with My Town Monday was to do interviews with various local authors and post them once a month or so, but unfortunately, time constraints have prevented me from accomplishing that goal. I still hope to do that very thing eventually, but for now I'm going to do very brief little snippets on the local authors that have sold and placed novel length fiction with traditional royalty paying publishers. this list may not be complete, so if any of my readers know of others please let me know ASAP so I can add them to the list. The authors are in alphabetical order.

Terry Burns -- Terry writes Inspirational Westerns. He is also a literary agent with the Hartline Agency. I would describe Terry as a relentless self-promoter and a man that has given a ton of his time and services to the local writing community. You can find his blog and website here and his many books at Amazon here. He has a new release coming out in January of 2009, but for now I'd recommend you read book 1 in his Mysterious Ways series.
Linda Castillo

Britta Coleman -- Okay, so Britta doesn't live in Amarillo anymore.


Kimberly Willis Holt -- Kimberly is the author of children's and young adult books. She won the National Book Award for Young People's Literature with her story, When Zachary Beaver came to town which is one of my favorite books and is a must read for books fans young or old. She is also the author of My Louisiana Sky among many others. Visit her website here, or her blog here. Her books can be found on Amazon here.

Jodi Thomas -- Jodi is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of

Ronda Thom

There are many more talented and published authors in Amarillo. From poetry to short stories and novellas in anthologies, to non-fiction, but I'll have to introduce you to those folks later. And if I've missed someone I apologize.
Do me a favor and check these authors out. They are all talented and diverse in their writing styles so I am sure there is a book there for everyone who reads my blog.
As always, I will be adding links to post about other towns, so if you are inclined, join in and leave me a comment letting me know you did. And maybe one of these days I'll get caught up and have a chance to interview some of these talented authors and share their wisdom with y'all.
Linda McLaughlin reports in about those fires in Orange County, California.
Cloudia Charters takes us walking in Waikiki, Hawaii.
Junosmom turns over her blog to Kentucky Chuck.
Debra says goodbye to an old friend in Village of Peninsula, Ohio.
Sepiru Chris gives us a taste of life in Hong Kong.
David Cranmer offers up a hot post from Avery Island, Louisiana.
Patti Abbott relaxes on Mackinac Island, Michigan this week.
Nan Higginson takes us to Old Town Alexandria over on the Women of Mystery blog.
Mary Nix gives us a rocking post about Olmsted Falls, Ohio.
Barrie Summy leads the way to San Jose, California.
Lyzzydee takes around Welwyn Garden City, England.
Jenny Jill gives us a sign of the times in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada.
Barbara Martin gives it the old college try from Toronto, Canada.
Seems like your blessed with a lot of talent in your area... I too have a good friend in the L.A. area and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone there... Travis, I will have a MTM post going up at midnight and will be e-mailing you Mr. Boh's address soon.
Thanks for the mention, Travis, nice blog.
Funny. I'm doing an interview with a Detroit writer next week.
Nice tribute to these people.
I'll be up later tonight.
Cool. I have another concept of MTM - I want to ask people I know that live here to guest blog to get their perspective on blogging. This week is the first time. Written by Chuck but on my blog. It's up now.
I have been cruising your archive.
Feb 2008? He shoots, he scores?
If you sent that off to a magazine, maybe changing a couple of words for family audiences, I cannot imagine it not being published. Really.
Then your name would be on that list of published authors that you posted today.
My post is up, Travis. I'll be back to read.
Travis, thanks for highlighting the local Amarillo authors. I had the honor of meeting Jodi Thomas and driving her around Laguna Beach one weekend when she visited Orange County and she's a sweetheart. Great author, too.
I'm not in an area threatened by the OC fire, thank goodness.
Nan's MTM post will be going up on women of mystery around 7 AM EST.
Love the run down and the low down on your Amarillo authors.
My post is up. I'm waiting to hear from family in LA as well.
I enjoyed today's post and I'm anticipating more of the story about your child and your grandpa.
This was a cool my town Monday Travis.
Huskers looked good Saturday
Travis, my post will be a bit late, probably not up until the morning.
Love the author blurbs. Mine's up BTW. San Jose, CA this week. Thank, Travis!
That is an amazing amount of authors in one place! I will check them out, and I think I have read at least one of those listed!!(my memory is not what it used to be!!) My post is up.
Rhonda was a friend of mine. She had the most wonderful dry humor and an easy laugh. I miss her. Her Wulf books are some of the best examples of historical paranormal that I've ever read.
I read your stuff because it's always enlightening - giving me a new perspective to appreciate. I read the comments others make and discover the nuances - or the tangental points of view. You have a most interesting gang of commentators!
And, WomenofMystery has a version of the My Town Monday post. (I love examining the settings of books - love to expand my vision of home towns I'd either like to visit (or am glad I don't live near!).
Thanks for the juice to start the week with!
Write On!
I enjoyed that. Now about that other life-changing post, what a cliff hanger.
My MTM post is a video. I am interested in words and signs. Being able to read the fascinating fiction out there am totally impressed!
In response to one of my regular video viewers, moving after 25 years in Ottawa and Toronto, respectively, I am still trying to find my way!
Thanks for the interesting food for thought.
Very good of you to promote all your fellow writers.
I love your MTM series! I need to come by here more often. THis is a great post--it inspires me to look up Baltimore authors as well.
On my way to looking up Kimberly Holt--thanks for the info!!
Dear Travis:
Blogging is a wonderful new thng in my life. I regard you as a role-model, an exemplar, a friend of authors, and a sort of personal pal.
Thanks for your posts; amd for letting me play in your back yard.
Big Mahalos!
Some great recommendations there! Great post!
Sorry, Travis, my mid-morning turned into mid-afternoon but it's up.
Thanks for the introductions to other writers from your neck of the woods.
Travis: Thanks for stopping by Panhandle Poetry and Other Thoughts!
Great links, Travis.
I love finding other authors through writers. Inspiring!
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