Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Alive

I've never been much of a Kenny Chesney fan. That whole, She Thinks My Tractors is Sexy song turned me off from him in the very beginning, but then he started doing duets with Uncle Kracker, Kid Rock, Jimmy Buffet, and Willie Nelson. He also began writing more of his own material and incorporating an honest laid back island vibe to his music, so I slowly came back around to at least respecting him as an artist. Even though mainstream country music rubs me the wrong way on the whole.

Then the other day I heard a song of Chesney's in which Dave Mathews joins him. The lyrics struck a chord with me for obvious reason. Especially the second verse.

So damn easy to say that life’s so hard
Everybody’s got their share of battle scars
As for me I’d like to think my lucky stars that
I’m alive, and well

It’d be easy to add up all the pain
And all the dreams you set and watch go up in flames
Dwell on the wreckage as it smolders in the rain
But not me, I’m alive

And today you know that’s good enough for me
Breathing in and out is a blessing can’t you see
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
And I’m alive, and well
I’m alive, and well

Stars are dancin’ on the water here tonight
It’s good for the soul, and there’s not a sole in sight
But this motors caught it wind and brought me back to life
Now I’m alive, and well

And today you know that’s good enough for me
Breathing in and out is a blessing can’t you see
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
Now I’m alive, and well
Yeah I’m alive, and well

Good songs are like good books. They reach inside a person and affect them. This is why one person can love a book and the next person will hate the same book. I'm as guilty as anyone of discounting a musician or an author simply because their song or story failed to resonate with me, but sometimes your perspective changes and suddenly you are viewing the world from a different angle.

I am alive, and I am well, and I am going to keep writing until I find that one agent or editor that connects to my writing in a way that prevents them from saying no. Might be tomorrow or ten years from now, but that will be good enough for me.


Lyzzydee said...

You have to have ambition and a reason. You only get one go at this life so make the most of it and enjoy the journey. There is a publisher out there for you keep on beleiving!!! (end of sermon!)

BioniKat said...

I'm sure that those words are all the more poignant for you considering what you and your family have been through.

Kristen Painter said...

Anything that keeps you going is worth a second listen!

Akum said...

Uh uh.. Never heard of it!

debra said...

perspective is an interesting thing, isn't it. I am very glad that you are alive and well.

pita-woman said...

Great post! And oh so true.
I'm with you... never was much of a Chesney fan (& stopped caring for the majority of country music back in the early 90's when it started to change), but every once in a while I'll hear a song that sticks with me, & I have found a couple of Kenny's songs that I like.

Kath Calarco said...

You nailed it, Travis, and maybe the house fire was a metaphor for your current outlook. I've always found that personal tragedy changes how I view life, and that said, it's always a positive outlook.

P.S. Thanks for sharing the song. I've never been a C/W fan until the day Sting did "Fill Her Up". Not that it converted me to C/W, but when my favorite artists crosses over I'm a semi-convert.

Charles Gramlich said...

Well said. I was thinking much the same thing this morning as I got up from 6 hours sleep and was starting to complain how tired I was. Then I saw the sun rising through the trees, and through the mist, and heard a rooster crow, and felt the cool air on my skin and gave thanks instead.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Wow! So very poignant, Travis. I'm glad you ran across the song.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Alive & well...just about says it all. Hope you/the fam are doing okay.

Crystal Phares said...

Don't ever give up, Travis. Hope you and the family are all doing okay. Can't wait to get together again!

alex keto said...

You have a very strong spirit. It will take you a long ways.

Anonymous said...

The only time I ever heard Kenny Chesney sing was on 60 Minutes. No memorable songs, but I do like the one you included in your blog post. I'll check Amazon for samples. Mahalo for the tip.

Melissa Amateis said...

Great post, Travis.

Jess said...

:) Music is my soul mate.
One reason I love your writing, T: you have the ability to invoke emotion through your words, just as music does. Yep, you are alive and well- and so much more. Keep fightin' the fight.

Mary said...

That’s a lovely reminder to appreciate what we have. :)

Mr. Shife said...

Say it loud and say it proud Travis. Keep fighting the good fight my friend. And it is amazing how your perspective changes by life's events. Right now I am seeing things completely different as I rapidly approach fatherhood, and you with your recent tragedy has opened your eyes to different vantage points.

Debbielou said...

You are a fighter, a survivor and an inspiration to us all !

You've done the hard bit actually writing your book and you don't just want any old publisher!

Only the best one will do - they are out and you will find them ! x

That Janie Girl said...

You rock, Travis.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

You have an awesome attitude, Travis, and I'm sure it'll get you were you're trying to go!

Patti said...

you know the old saying, "have another shiner!' oh wait, hehe, not my saying, this saying, "from the ashes....."

pattinase (abbott) said...

You know, that applies to a lot of us about now.

Linda McLaughlin said...

You've been through an awful lot lately, Travis, and it's good to see you're not giving up. And being alive sure beats the alternative! Hang in there.

JM said...

Your writing has already connected with many people. I don't think it will be long.

Barrie said...

And on that day that you sign on the dotted line, you can link back to this post!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I never thought I'd like anything by Kenny Chesney.

You have such an amazing, inspirational attitude.

Phats said...

I love country music, and a big Chesney fan and I haven't heard this song, thanks for posting it!

Cloudia said...

Yeah. sometimes I'll enjoy something I "don't like" and go: "Why don't i like this again?"
Great growth!
Watch out, Travis; you're getting downright wise, wiseguy ;-)
Good post, Pal. aloha-

Chris Eldin said...

Travis, I've always loved country music. Not all of it, but most of it. And this is a particularly good song.
I'm glad you're finding positive moments and are rebuilding. I never went through anything even close to what you did, but it just seems like it will be a long, long process. So all those moments where you find a smile will make a big difference.

the walking man said...

Who's Kenny Chesney?

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about music- I listen to a variety and it always seems to depend on my mood. I'll have to add that one to my list- To remind me to keep things in perspective.

Plus, I can't say much about Kenny Chesney. He's alright-but he's no Dave Matthews!

Unknown said...

I have never heards that song before, but know how touched you were with it. It is almost like he wrote it just for you. You are a strong man and I admire you. You are my hero. I say this with all seriousness.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

What a fitting song. I don't listen to country often, but I find that country songs tend to resonate most clearly with me. I'm even thinking of getting yellow running shoes so one song is even more fitting. :)