I'm back from the casino already, so I decided to make this two post day and not make you wait until tomorrow for the updates.
Lady Luck is still far far away, kicked back on a couch eating tofu and cous cous. Just to spite me. I did manage to win a hand or three tonight but overall I still came out a loser. The casino did give me a conciliation prize of free coffee mug for donating to the cause. actually it was for joining their club and giving up my address so they can inundate my mailbox with gambling propaganda. But hey. I work for the Post Office so junk mail is nothing more than job security to me.
My fitness evaluation was a mixed bag of news. The final result ... I'm pretty strong for a fat guy. My body fat percentage was a dismal 38%, but on muscle strength and fatigue I registered in the 98th percentile which according to them is good, and cardio numbers were very good as well. So overall I'll live to see another day. But it's going to be a sore day because the personal trainer about killed me with his torturous idea of a workout regime.
So Left the casino and drove right past the place with the hot oil wrestling, despite the therapeutic value to my body hair. Thanks to those who commented and offered hair care advice for my wooliness. Apparently I have done something to offend Lady Luck and my guess she would have showed up at the bar with along with the entire Bulgarian women's (and I use that term loosely) weightlifting team and all of them would want to tangle with me. Thought who knows they may be hairier than me.
Think I'll stay away from the casino the rest of the week but I've been thinking. if I can give away hard earned money (again another loose term since I work for the government) to the Chickasaw Nation why can't i give something away to you my loyal readers?
So here is the deal this is my seventy-eight post. In about three weeks I should hit the century mark. When I do I am going to give away a prize package worth ... not a whole lot but it will be fun, related to both me and this blog, and all yours to keep. if you are the lucky winner that is.
So how do you enter? Comment between now and then. That's it. Starting with this post you get one entry for every comment between now and my posting of numero one-hundredo. The only rule is you have to actually say something ... funny, enlightening, entertaining, educational, asinine. I don't care. Just say something. I might even award a runner up prize to the person who comments the most but does not win the grand prize. Grand prize that term might be stretching it but I think whoever wins will enjoy their bounty. This is my attempt to call all you lurkers our of hiding. Stat counter tells me there are a lot of you and I even know where you live, or at least where your server lives. Now I want to hear directly from you. And of course I always enjoy hearing from the regulars. You are the people who encourage me to keep doing this.
So, good luck, and good commenting.
Give me the prize. I am saying something "funny, enlightening, entertaining, educational, asinine." I have your luck tendencies, too, but I have been told that only means we are lucky in love. I know our spouses, so I'm going with that. Your blogs are fun and we miss you back home. Come back, Shane. All is forgiven.
I share your gambling luck. Haven't been to a casino in years, but have hit the bunco table sporadically throughout the past year. People try to avoid partnering with me. I am by far the worst dice thrower ever. I swept the "biggest loser" category 5 months in a row. Woot! Go me. ;)
Your post made me laugh. That darn Lady Luck and her couscous!
U Rock and I want to win that prize!
Okay which one of my wise ass friends posted the hairy guys comment? I'll give it to you it is funny especially the link. You wil have to fessup if you win.
Sounds good. I'll try and mail some random crap in the next few weeks to keep you Post Office guys in business.
As for educational, actress Hedy Lamar came up with the concept for frequency hopping, a method of switching frequencies to make radio signals more difficult to intercept or jam. How's that?
All I can say is that this so called prize better not be that damn safety pin from Vail's bra strap escapades or a huge lot of dried out feed that Earl never could get rid of.
Actually, I am hoping it is something from the feedstore.
Have a great night and I am severely disappointed that you didn't join the wrestling team on the reservation.
The prize better not be a visit from Earl since I am participating.
I too am unlucky, but maybe I'll win your contest.
Lucky you...I love to comment.
I choose to comment on the body hair angle. I once forced my husband to let me wax between his eyebrows where he had the shadow of a unibrow emerging. That was eight years ago and that spot has been silky smooth ever since. Clearly, I am some type of hair-removal extrodinaire...do you think there is money in that?
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Maybe you'll hit it big at the casino before post 100?
"junk mail is job security"
I never thought of it like that. I'll stop whining about all the ads I get, instead I'll think of the happy postman and his/her not-hungry children.
And I'll just be commenting at my usual rate, not expecting to win anything, because I never do. sad face.
oh, and brooke--yes.
Okay--so I've been lurking on the side lines and you finally shamed me into making a comment. Of course I have no luck either so don't expect to win anything. I figure if I don't expect it -- then I won't be disappointed.
My question to you--what happened to the feedstore? Did Earl find greener pastures or what? Maybe he rode off into the sunset with ________.
If you ever run out of postings for the feedstore chronicles maybe you need to start the postoffice chronicles. I have one for you to add to that pile if you're ever interested.
Anyway--enjoy your postings. Keep it up. About the only laugh I get all day.
Hm.. You said "bounty". Does that mean the winner gets a cameo appearance in your piratical adventure?
Katrina- The last time I saw Earl, about ten months ago he was married yet again, to a woman fifteen or so years younger than himself and he was driving a semi truck full for a company that hauled beef renderings.
WordVixen- Pirates refer the term booty to bounty.
I hope I do not win. I comment just to be a supporter. I live with you I do not wish to be "lucky". Ha ha ha. I hope you are not tring to make this like rated "G". I will have to stop commenting. By the way I like Debbie's comment. I used up all of your luck in Vegas.
Ooh, count me in for the big prize. Well, I just discovered your blog after you discovered mine, so I'm not technically a lurker, but here I am, commenting away like anything...
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